How to play

Incipit is a narration game. Its goal is to encourage the players imagination. The players make together an awesome, ironic, touching, weird, but most of all…a funny story.




1. Every story has a beginning!

First, one player must be chosen.

He/she will be the first to chose one INCIPIT between those included in the box or he/she can make up one he/she likes.



You can chose one INCIPIT between those written by the community on:


App “Incipit Game” (Android o iOS Store)

2. Roll the dice!

The player on the right of the one who chose the incipit Il, is going to chose the dice to roll, then he rolls it and uses the result to make up the story! The symbols shown by the dice must be taken entirely to make up th story!

The used dice can’t be used anymore.


Hai bisogno di qualche esempio?


3. Only one will remain!

The games goes on until every dice has been used.S It means that every player could roll more than a dice, depending on the total players number.

The player that rolls the last dice must end the story!


Here are some examples of INCIPIT that you can use to start your awesome stories!.

Long time ago, in a magic kingdom, the king and the queen had a baby prince. But the prince was born with only an eye and with black wings on his shoulders…

It was a dark and rainy night, when a terrible earthquake tore up the soil that swallowed a whole little farm… 

A spaceship was whizing through the stars. The captain decided to land on a strange planet covered by red jelly…

It was a very beautiful morning, two suns were shining in the sky, but suddenly a unicorn fell from the sky…

Hai bisogno di qualche esempio?

Tanto tempo fa in un regno fatato, il re e la regina diedero alla luce un principe. Il principe aveva però un solo occhio e delle ali nere sulla schiena…

Era una notte buia e tempestosa quando uno spaventoso terremoto squarciò la terra e inghiottì una piccola fattoria…

Tra le stelle, la nave spaziale sfrecciava a tutta velocità. Nei pressi di uno strano pianeta coperto di gelatina rosa, il capitano decise di atterrare…

Era una bella giornata, i due soli brillavano nel cielo, quando all’improvviso un unicorno precipitò da una nuvola…

Download the App now!

Download the INCIPIT App on the Android Store and IOS, it’s free!

With the app you’ll be able to:

Other game mode

INCIPIT also has other game mode that you can use to have different experiences!

The first part of the game doesn’t change, because the first player has to choose one INCIPIT between those in the box or those on the App or Website.


Game mode: insania ( App is needed)

During its turn, one player must roll the dice and open the INCIPIT App and The INSANIA MODE on one device only.

The App will show one general event that must be taken into account when the player makes his/her part of the story.

Download the INCIPIT App and start to play with one of the INCIPT or write one yourself.

1 - Randomly choose a dice and roll it! It will give you the context to start your story.
2 - Open the INCIPIT App, choose the "INSANIA" game and follow the instruction on the App.
3 -Now start to make your part of the story with the "INSANIA" game mode!
4 - Repeat the procedure every time the players roll the dice.

game mode: tempus fugit (APP IS NEEDED)

During its turn, one player must roll the dice and open the INCIPIT App and The TEMPUS FUGIT mode on one device only.

When the TEMPUS FUGIT Game Mode starts, a timer will be activated. The timer can be set from 15 to 90 seconds.

Every time the player rolls the dice he/she has to make his/her part of the story using only the seconds set on the alarm. If you can't finish your part of the story, you must stop and the other player has to continue the story from where you ended it.

Download the INCIPIT App and start to play with one of the INCIPT or write one yourself:

1 - Open the INCIPIT App, choose the "TEMPUS FUGIT". game.
2 - Randomly choose a dice and roll it! It will give you the context to start your story.
3 - start the Timer on the App.
4 - Repeat the procedure every time the players roll the dice.

The wild bunch

Choose how many turn the game will have before starting to play.

We suggest to choose a multiple of the players number (for examples, for 4 players there should be 8 turns to have 2 turns each).
Choose a number of dice to pick randomly (for examples 3 dice each turn) to continue the story.

The first player rolls at the same time the chosen number of dices. The story must contain every symbol shown by the dices.
After the use, you must put the dices back in the bunch.

The following player continues the story by rolling another random bunch of the chosen number of dices.
The game ends when the number of turns previously chosen ends.


Let's play hoe you like!
It is the Freemode: be siate creative, roll how many dices you want. Be inspired, make your own game mode, write your own beautiful and funny story!

Contattaci !

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